Tuesday 11 July
- 09:30 Neutrino oscillations working group (F. Dydak, J.J. Gomez-Cadenas)
- 09.30-10.30 The Linac for pedestrians (R. Garoby)
- 10.30-11.15 SuperK brought leptonic CP violation closer (A. de Gouvea)
- 11.15 Strategy discussion for further work : evaluation of possible sites/development of detector concepts/potential of conventional "super" beams.
Wednesday 12 July
- 09:00 N F Working group (Haseroth/Scrivens)
- R Garoby: 2.2 GeV Super Conducting Linac
- H Schonauer: 2.2 GeV Accumulator and Compressor
- B Autin: Conclusions from the FFAG for Muons Workshop
- D Kaplan: Simulation study of Ionisation Cooling
- G Franchetti: Single Particle description of Ionisation Cooling
- S Gilardoni + N Vassilopoulos: Pion Production and transverse capture.
- 14.00 First results from test of RF cavities in intense radiation (W. Pirkl CERN, PS division)
- 14.30 First results from MUSCAT (R. Edgecock, RAL)
- 15.00 Study of a European high intensity complex (J.-L. Laclare, CEA Saclay)
- 15.45 Coffee break
- 16.15 Main conclusions from NUFACT00: where do we go from there?
- Can a pion-decay neutrino beam do neutrino factory physics? (first reflexions, nu-osc WG)
- Muon beam search International Working Group (B. Autin, CERN, PS - to be confirmed)
- Report to ECFA and yellow book (A. Blondel, Geneva)
- Longer term strategy (discussion, all)
Comments suggestions to Alain Blondel