London, 23-24 February 2001
Alain Blondel
The main aims and priorities set during the discussion were as follows
priorities before then are:
Continuation and next meetings
It was decided that the next general meetings in Europe devoted to the muon cooling experiment would take place on
As for collabortion with the US, it was decided to propose a meeting with our american friends during the week-end of NUFACT01.
The attendance of the London meeting was good, in particular many CERN people attended.
AIM: the aim of the ionization cooling experiment was spelled out: we want to predict the performance of the neutrino factory to better than a factor 2. This can be achieved if a 10% cooling channel (i.e. reduces the transverse emmittance in one plane, e.g. epsilon x, by 10%) is tested with a precision of 1%. (nb it is in fact somewhat better than that, (1.+0.1+-0.01)**20 = 6.7+-1.3).
In response to a question by S. Geer, the justification for the CERN 44/88 MHZ scheme is the desire to avoid the induction linacs. This forces us to begin with low frequency RF cavities for the phase rotation. In addition, the scheme is well adapted to the SPL repetition rate, which can be based on the frequency of 44 MHz.
A 10% cooling system should consist of two cooling sections, each section being made of 8 cavities of 90 cm longitudinal dimension. the total is about 16 meters long, before and after which instrumentation should be placed.
A drawing of the system including facilities was considered highly desirable.
The baseline experiment is a section of a straight cooling channel, and contains no longitudinal cooling. It was noted however that attractive schemes such as a ring cooler have not yet proven to work, even on paper. However, they contain straight sections similar in design to a straight cooling channel, so that experience gained in pursuing a straight section test could be build on should the final design be modified.
the basic experiment is
" Design Build Instrument a section of the cooling channel, place it into a beam and show that it works as desired "
more specifically, a cooling channel is characterized by the asymptotic equilibrium emmittance, which can be determined by plotting the output emmittance as a function of the input emmittance. This requires that a phase space at least as large as the design one be available at the input.
The choice of basic experiments was:
In the discussion that followed, and from the presentations during the workshop, it was decided to go for a SINGLE PARTICLE EXPERIMENT, complemented by BLAST tests. The information contained in a single particle experiment would allow detailed understanding of the device, while a bunched beam experiment would make this very dificult.
The decision to go for a single particle experiment leads to a revision of the previous assumption to locate oneself in TT1, where slow extraction is not an option. A priority was to find out the maximum duty cycle (or useful muons) one could get in TT1/TT7 beam lines.
More adequate beam lines for the purpose seem located at either the CERN East Hall or in laboratories with CW beams: PSI, RAL, TRIUMF. In particular a more detailed investigation of the EAST Hall and PSI beam lines and facilities was requested.
The goal is to have a letter of intent written in spring 2001. Details of the device to be tested (a good drawing, size, power consumption and floor space required etc..) are urgently needed, as well as of the measuring technique and devices.