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1.1. Energy spectra (neutrinos per GeV)
for Pol = 0, +1 and -1;
Eμ = 5, 10, 20, 30 GeV;
at 250 m for R < 0.5 m,
at 1 km for R < 2 m,
at 730 km and 10000 km for R < 4 m.
1.2. Radial fluence (neutrinos per cm2) for
Pol = 0, +1 and -1;
and Eμ = 5, 10, 20, 30 GeV;
at 250 m, 1 km, 730 km and 10000 km.
1.3. Energy-radius correlation, average energy and average fluence for conditions of 1.1.
(Zero muon beam divergence.)
2.1. Radial fluence at 100 m for zero and non-zero (which?) muon beam divergence.
Establish an upper limit for the muon beam divergence.
(Eμ = 20 GeV, Pol = 0.)
What level of muon polarization can be expected?
What is the preferred value of the muon polarization?
How well must the muon polarization be known?
How and how well is the muon polarization measured?
How well must the average muon momentum be known?
How and how well is the muon momentum measured?
What range of muon momentum is wanted?
- for ντ appearance
- for νμ and νe disappearance
- for wrong-sign muon appearance
- wrong-sign electron appearance?
- for electron/muon ratio (NC/CC)
Is the muon momentum spread an issue?
What intensity of stored muons is wanted and why?
How well must the intensity of stored muons be known?
How and how well is the muon intensity measured?
Trade-off between momentum and intensity?
Is the time structure of stored muons important?
(linked to accumulation and replenishment mode)
Race track or dog bone? Or very long decay tunnel?
Tilt angles w.r.t. muon production complex
Pointing simultaneously to two different detector locations?
Requirements on the 'pointing accuracy'
Precision of L
Neutrinos from pion/kaon decay
Neutrinos from muon decay in the arcs
Photons and neutrons in a nearby detector?
Is the opposite muon charge needed?
If so: switching or separate runs?
What is the shortest distance of the detector given a certain irreducible background
- for ντ appearance
- for νμ and νe disappearance
- for wrong-sign muon appearance
- wrong-sign electron appearance?
- for electron/muon ratio (NC/CC)
Compare with 'practical' distances (CERN-LNGS, FNAL-Soudan, ...)
Constraints from matter effects
Limitation from the knowledge of the neutrino cross-section?
Can K2K, MiniBOOne, I216, MINOS help in this respect?
How near is 'near'?
Limitation from backgrounds?
Depend on the muon production scenario(s)...