Anastasia Evgenia ALEXANDRI - University of Patras (Greece)
CERN Summer Student Programme - July 03 - August 26, 2011
Supervision: G. Prior/S. Gilardoni
40-80 MHz muon front-end for the Neutrino Factory Design Study
poster (presented at IPAC11) and final report
Anton AKIMOV - Moscou State University of Gas & Oil (Russia)
Internship programme for children of CERN staff - July 04-29, 2011
Supervision: G. Prior/S. Gilardoni
Comparison and verification of the Neutrino Factory parameters used in the simulations and the Interim Design Report
Saurabh Kumar VIJ - Delhi University (India) & ENSTA Paristech (France)
Internship programme between CERN & India - April 15 - August 15, 2010
Supervision: M. Martini/G. Prior
Simulation of muon energy loss in LiH for the neutrino factory design study
presentation -
Gustav LUND - Uppsala University (Sweden)
Internship programme between CERN & Sweden - June 9 - September 9, 2009
Supervision: E. Wildner/G. Prior
Analysis of the 44 MHz rotation scheme in ICOOL for the Neutrino Factory