Target and Collectors - subgroup of ENG
Convenor: R. Bennett (STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
Meeting of 24 May 2004, CERN, Conference Room 40-SS-B01
- 09.30 - Introduction to the Proposed TT2A target Experiment: Test of a mercury jet in a magnetic field of 15 Tesla with beam in the nTOF beam line .pdf - A. Fabich
- 10:15 - Coffee
- 10:45 - Plans for the EURISOL Target - J. Lettry
- 11:15 - Solid Target Studies, Introduction (.ppt) R. Bennett
- 11:45 - Plans for shock wave studies of solid targets (.pdf) - N. Bourne
- 12:15 - FP6 Design Study. Discussion of Target work (.ppt) - R. Edgecock, R. Bennett (and everyone)
- 12:30 - Close
G. Prior - Last modified on May 12th, 2011