Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (07/10/10)
Present: E. Benedetto, I. Efthymiopoulos, C. Hansen, G. Prior, T. Weber, E. Wildner, O. Hansen
- General News and Discussions
- Round Table
- Impressions from NEU2012 by I. Efthymiopoulos
New colleague Ole-Martin Hansen, Oslo Univ., started 1st October, will address the target and magnet issue in the Neutrino Factory.
From Gersende Prior,
Had an IDS-NF meeting 2 weeks ago where a preliminary version of the Intermediary Design Report (IDR) was written.
There will be editing workshops October through December to finalize the IDR.
Front-end issue: Problems with RF in hight magnetic field. Chris studies a new lattice (simulation). Will be presented as mitigation option.
Target issue: More deposition in the magnets sitting in the target area than allowed. Different shileding options under investigation. But cannot increase the size of the magnet. Result from simulation are not promising which is a huge drawback. There are also big discrepencies between two simulation tools: Fluka and MARS. Fluka has been more benchmarked. This issue needs to be studied further.
From Elena Benedetto,
Working on the report from last year.
From Torsten Weber,
He is investigating the direct kinematic case for the production ring to try to see if we can get higher flux than the indirect case. Consists of a 3He beam on a 8Li target to produce 8B ions.
He has seen wide angle distribution with about 30 degrees target.
From Ole-Martin Hansen,
Is learning about how to bend the muons in the solenoid to see how they can be collected within the baseline (Hg target). Gersende: The field tapering function is a mathematical function that was derived to provide a given muon focussing (Kevin Pohl) but no studies on how a corresponding realistic magnet design could be derived was done, since the strength of the focusing function is that it collects the particles, but it does not adress the design.
From Ilias Efthymiopoulos,
Was also at the IDS-NF meeting. Interesting!
People are struggling to get the PBS done for the costing study. Cristian Bontiou is collecting info for this.
Had a meeting with Steve Myers to see how many additional people we can get for neutrinos studies. He could not say any number of people yet.
Manpower is needed, specially to be able to present a valid option for the Beta Beams. Ilias will try to keep pushing on info about how many
people we can get and will try to organise a meeting about this next week.
From Elena Wildner,
Most of the contributors have submitted papers and Elena has now send an annual report, a 7 pages summary, to Rob Edgecock.
There has been a meeting in Legnaro concerning an experiment to study the Boron cross section for Boron production for the Beta Beams.
They will set up an experiment in March-April if it is approved.
Rate and the emittance will be measured.
They could have someone from CERN to join and they would pay because of scientific exchange between labs.
Elena Wildner has suggested Elena Benedetto.
Trying to make an agenda for next WP4 meeting in Legnaro 8th November.
Specially inviting a new colleague from the Cockroft Institute. He will contribute with expertise about RF hardware.
Studying the Green Field baseline with Michael Martini. This is necessary in case the Collective Effect studies
show that the use of SPS and PS is sufficient for the Beta Beams. Costing is of course crucial here.
Checking the possibility for put close detectors in a small storage ring that Thierry said will be moved to ISOLDE.
It turns out that it will not give enough intensities for neutrino oscillatioin studies but could be useful for a
test ring for the Production Ring studies, since there is electron cooling in this ring.
Checked wih Christina Volpe the new ring in ISOLDE could be useful for low energy Beta Beam experiment, but
does not seem to give enough intensity and energy.
From Christian Hansen,
Studying the intensity limits for DR with two different codes; HEADTAIL and MOSES.
These codes have been benchmarked with both data and each other. But have now seen
regimes where it is difficult to find the crucial modes during the MOSES studies so
we get slightly different results between HEADTAIL and MOSES. Therefore developing a
way to find the crucial modes for the use of MOSES. To then get better agreement between
the two codes.
The results from the two codes is in any case not optimistic for the required ion bunch
intensities in the Beta Beam Decay Ring.
Impressions from NEU2012 I. Efthymiopoulos
Ilias went through some interesting slides from the NEU2010 meeting:
NEU202 is an ambition to make a road map proposal for future Neutrino facilities.
The agenda has 2 parts: Accelerators and Detectors.
Present and Future of CNGS, by E. Geschwendtner
CNGS runs very well, almost according to the goals.
CNGS has been approved for 22.5e19 protons on target (today we have total 8.5e19 pot), so CNGS needs to run until 2015.
MODULAR by A. Guigly
Suggestion of the MODULAr detector as an OFF axis detector for an upgraded CNGS as
an addition to the ON axis ICARUS detector. It would be in a new cavity in the LNGS halls at Gran Sasso.
Predicted θ13 sensitivities better than T2K.
The upgraded CNGS would be a factor 3 (CNGS-1) or factor 10 (CNGS-2) intensity upgrade.
That is the only proposal existing for future CNGS appart from present program with OPERA that aims for 4 signal events.
Laguna by Andre Rubia
Shows 7 pre-selected EU sites for the next big neutrino detector. 7 technical reports ready.
Also shows senstivities from LBL neutrino physics in Europe and there is a LAGUNA LBNO Design Study.
LAr by Carlo Rubbia
Suggestion to move the Liquid Argon (LAr) detector to CERN and
detect or exclude sterile neutrinos from a low energy neutrino beam from PS.
Further discussions:
Ilias thinks it is important to keep study Super Beams since the sensitivity plots
for Beta beams are only competitive together with Super Beams and also since Super Beams
is needed as an option for Neutrino Factory.
Ilias thinks a 3D simulations for both NF and BB in the CERN site with costs studies are needed.
For that manpower is necessary!
I. Efthymiopoulos: time sheets important
E. Wildner would like to ask Marguerite to send a confirmation email every time she recieves the time sheets.
G. Prior wonders why not a printout from EDH cannot be automatically used instead of time sheets since when we
fill out our time sheets we simply just copy the information from EDH anyway.
Next meeting:
11th November 9am - next cafe-neutrino meeting (room tbc).