Monday 10 June 2002
Meetings of WG and/or R&D Projects
- 09:00 HARP Collaboration Meeting, (Harpists only)
- 09.00 - 09.15 Agenda, introductory remarks - F. Dydak
- 09.15 - 09.35 Beam status - A. Grant
- 09.35 - 10.15 Hardware status: reality close to expectations - L. Linssen
- 10.15 - 10.45 coffee
- 10.45 - 11.20 Overview of data taking: achieved and planned - P. Gorbounov
- 11.20 - 12.00 NIB-veto and fast physics event selection - P. Chimenti and S. Robbins
- lunch
- 14.15 - 15.00 TPC cross-talk recovery (V. Serdiouk, G. Sitjes)
- 15.00 - 15.45 Reconstructing TPC tracks: status, first results
- cluster algorithm - S. Borghi
- Fit procedure - M.C. Morone
- first "physics" - G. Catanesi
- 15.45 - 16.15 coffee
- 16.15 - 17.00 Reconstructing NDC tracks - P. Chimenti, J. Dumarchez, N.N. for M. Ellis
- 17.00 - 18.00 Results from other detectors:
- RPCs - V. Koreshev
- Cherenkov - J.S. Graulich
- TOF wall (TBC)
- Calorimeter (TBC)
- π0 - U. Dore
- 22:00 International MICE Video-conference
Tuesday 11 June 2002
Meetings of WG and/or R&D Projects
- 09:00 HARP Collaboration Meeting (Harpists only)
- 14:00 Neutrino Oscillation Working Group - F. Dydak and J.J. Gomez Cadenas
- 14:00 Resolving degeneracies between CP-delta and theta13 - O. Mena
- 15:00 coffee
- 15:30 Superbeam vs Neutrino Factory: correlations, uncertainties, degeneracies - P. Huber
- 16:30 Effects of new physics in matter propagation on the spectrum of wrong-sign muons - M. Campanelli.
Wednesday 12 June 2002
- 09:00 Neutrino Factory Working Group (Machine aspects)
- Review of previous target measurements at CERN - J.Lettry, A.Fabich (10 min.)
- Up-date of the present design ideas and planned tests of the gas cooled granular target - P.Sievers (10 min.)
- Status of the CERN horn for the Neutrino Factory - J.M. Maugain (10 min.)
- Stability of a periodic solenoidal channel - S.Gilardoni (10 min.)
- First Cost Estimates of 30 GeV Proton Driver (Alternative RCS Scenario) (.ppt) - H.Schoenauer (10 min.)
- Some personal highlights from the American collaboration meeting and the technical board - H.Haseroth (10 min.)
- Highlights and news from the 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on "High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams"
- R. Cappi (15 min.)
- R. Garoby (TBC)
- U. Gastaldi (10 min.)
- 14:00 Plenary Meeting of the ECFA Muon Study Group
- 14:00 After the SNO NC result (.pdf) - C. Pena-Garay
- 14:30 Report from the EMCOG - A. Blondel
- 15:00 R&D areas: proton drivers (.pdf) - R. Garoby
- 15:30 coffee
- 16:00 targets - J. Lettry
- 16:30 horns (.pdf) - S. Gilardoni
- 17:00 cooling, MICE - E. McKigney
- 17:30 NuFact02 format, contributions - B. Autin
Thursday 13 June 2002
- 14:00 MICE Detector Task Force
- Introduction - V. Palladino (5 min.)
- Beam time structure and rates for MICE at RAL - A. Blondel (20 min.)
- Status of Detector Simulations - V. Grichine (30 min.)
- Reconstruction & emittance calculation (P. Gruber, 10 min.)
- TOF - A. Guglielmi (20 min.)
- Fiber tracker - E. Mc Kigney (30 min.)
- TPG - U. Gastaldi (45 min.)
- e-Cerenkov (G. Gregoire)
- DAQ - E. Radicioni (30 min.)
- Discussion
NB The plenary meeting is anticipated to Wednesday afternoon! It will focus on the favourable prospects to NuFact R&D open by the formation of an European Muon Concertation & Oversight Group (E-MCOG)
Vittorio Palladino
General information:
G. Prior - Last modified on December 2nd, 2009