Monday 7 July 2003
- 09:00 HARP CM (F. Dydak)
- 14:00 HARP CM
Tuesday 8 July 2003
- 09:00 HARP CM and in parallel
- 11:00 Plenary session of the Neutrino Oscillation WG (P. Hernandez, M. Mezzetto)
- 11:00 Status of MiniBoone (TBC)
- 11:15 Systematics in beam predictions (A. Guglielmi)
- 11:45 The Nomad limit on numu-nue transitions (R. Petti)
- 12:15 Report from Nufact03 (A. Blondel)
- 14:00 Low Energy Beta Beams (C. Volpe)
- 14:30 Frejus LoI (J. Bouchez)
- 15:00 Combining golden + silver + super beam (P. Migliozzi)
- 15:30 Updated sensitivity of the beta beam (M. Mezzetto)
- 16:00 End of the session
Wednesday 9 July 2003
- 09:00 Subgroups of the ENG European Neutrino beams Group (H. Haseroth, R. Edgecock)
- 09:30 Target and Collector Meeting (Convenor: R. Bennett) (Conference Room 40-SS-C01)
- 09:00 Neutrino Oscillation WG (P. Hernandez, M. Mezzetto)
- 9:00 Open Discussion:
- How can be compared θ13 sensitivity of different experiments ?
- How can be defined the Nufact, SuperBeam, BetaBeam sensitivities on the whole parameter space properly including ambiguities, degeneracies, unknown or badly known parameters, statistical and systematic errors etc.? What is important to know?
- Towards a fair comparison of Beta+Super Beam vs. Nufact
- 14:00 ENG European Neutrino Group (H.Haseroth, R. Edgecock)
- Summary of NuFact03 - machine (P. Norton)
- Summary of NuFact03 - physics (TBC)
- Beta-beam design study (J. Bouchez)
- First results from MuScat (R. Edgecock)
- Possible target test areas (R. Bennett)
- Horn Studies (S. Gilardoni/J.-E. Camapgne)
- Optical studies of the muon frontend (J. Pasternak)
Thursday 10 July 2003
- 09:00 more parallel meetings
- 14:00 European Muon Coordination & Oversight Group (C. Wyss, A. Blondel)
Comments/Suggestions: Vittorio Palladino
General information:
G. Prior - Last modified on December 2nd, 2009