Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (09/07/09)
Present: E. Benedetto, A. Blondel, F. Dufour, R. Garoby, G. Lund,
M. Martini, G. Prior, E. Wildner, F. Zimmermann
Hightlight of NUFACT09 on the Accelerator side (E. Wildner): .pdf
Page 20: Bz = exp() should be the vertical field.
Page 25: 7-9% pions accepted, number will change as a bug was found and
corrected. Yields don't include the final acceptance, once acceptance cuts applied, agree with other simulations.
Page 27: Beam stability in the SPL accumulator. FNAL is really
interested in looking into that for Project X.
Page 30: RAL should be added to the places that can host a 4+ MW machine.
Page 30: idea of cooling+rotation at once (D. Neuffer) is interesting,
should be pursued.
Hightlight of NUFACT09 on the Physics side (F. Dufour): .pdf
Page 3: one can exploit the very big volumes of the detectors to look
at atmospherics neutrinos of small energies (< 0.1 GeV).
Page 6: Monte-Carlo GLoBES very flexible, user-friendly MC tools to
simulate analyse and compare neutrino oscillation experiments. Monte
Cubes is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo plugin to GLoBES and takes input
from it.
Page 9: more news from LAr TPC to come in the next future.
Page 10: CCQE events in Cherenkov detectors: if the proton is above the
Cherenkov threshold events can be reconstructed with the proton
signature ring.
Page 11: sensitivity to CP violation phase as a function of θ13
value for beta-beams and neutrino factory. If θ13 small the
neutrino factory prevails on beta-beams for CP violation reach whereas
if θ13 is big the beta-beams prevails on neutrino factory but the
Coloma and al. proposal seems even better. Alain: one has to be
cautious in making those plots as the tail (low θ13)
is dominated by statistics (basically it is a problem of resolving
background events) whereas for high θ13 the systematics have to
be carefully estimated.
Discussion on resources from CERN for RF cavities testing:
The 88 MHz cavity is now dismantled and the power-supply has been
given to MICE. Difficult to find bits here and there but can be looked at.
Need to see with the RF group what would be available.
Before the SPSC meeting and conclusion, better not to submit a request
as the CERN stand is not clear yet. Does not hurt to put into writing
some ideas and proposal together in discussion with the MTA people.
MICE could look into pushing the field gradient above 8 MV/m at some
CERN October workshop contribution:
Three talks on beta-beams (don't know the authors yet). Elena W. asking
if there will be a talk on the beta-beam B/Li decay ring and if
not, one should be scheduled. There is also the possibility to have a
poster. Alain is collecting the posters list. Need to have another
cafe-neutrino meeting before the CERN workshop: Monday September 28th
10:30 am.
Add to the cafe-neutrino list A. Rubbia, F. Zimmermann and A. Longhin.