Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (03/29/10)
Present: F. Dufour, C. Hansen, M. Martini, G. Prior
Report from the SPC:
The document from the SPC is now available. The link to access it can be found in the minutes of the cafe-neutrino January 18th, 2010. Questions from the Council to the Scientific Policy Committee have been adressed. From the conclusions, recalling that CERN should play an important role in the European strategy with respect to a neutrino physics programme, but does not seem to have a strong commitment to answer the lack of manpower or need for an R&D programme.
We should have a better communication between the different groups involved with future neutrino physics. Despite the numerous already existing mailing lists, the information keep being lost for part of the people involved with the neutrino work. For instance for the costing workshop some people involved at CERN in EUROnu never received the second email with the link to the indico web page and the registration form. March 17-18 there was a workshop at CERN on Neutrino detector studies and possible experiments at CERN PS (agenda), the information was not distributed to people of the BE/ABP group working on future neutrino facilities.
For the next CN meeting, let's try to have a summary of the March 17-18 meeting (Alain ?), the April 8-10 IDS-NF meeting (Gersende ?), the April 13-16 Neu2012/EuCARD meeting (Vittorio/Alain ?)
Next meeting:
April 12th - cancelled.
April 26th - room 6-2-004 10:30 am.