Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (07/05/10)
Present: E. Benedetto, A. Blondel, I. Efthymiopoulos, C. Hansen, M. Martini, G. Prior, E. Wildner
Outcome of the Neutrino 2010 conference:
Talks are uploaded on indico conference page. Suggestion to read the talk by A. Grodzins on the tabletop measurement of the neutrino helicity. Biggest news were from MINOS and MiniBooNE experiments. From MINOS anti-neutrinos data, in the anti-νμ disappearance channel there is a difference in comparison with the neutrino data. Need more beam also from the anti-neutrino beam, more difficulties for data analysis. Set a new limit on νμ to νe appearance, no evidence but limit on &theta13 improved. MiniBooNE sees an excess at low-energy but not in the lowest energy bin, not reproduced by KARMEN. Still lacks the near detector. Excess of events above 475 MeV with antineurinos, 2σ effect. Claim that it is likely to be an oscillation peak. Will move the detector to closer position (microBooNE). Should be ready in 2-3 years. Will continue with the beamline. NovA will be ready in 2012-2013 with first beam. Not so far from T2K. See also S. Kopp talk on WB neutrino flux and fit to NA49 data pretty good (not sure what was done first, MC or data). See talk from Sakashita on SB. Options considered here are for KEK LAr, Tokyo R&D for large WC and CERN is LAGUNA, need some consistency with FNAL & JPARC. Remark on CNGS upgrade where it could go to 750 kW (PS+PSB+RF upgrade in SPS) and send the beam to Finland (Pyhäsalmi mine). NovA will have to re-design the acceleration system to go from 0.3 to 0.7 MW. So CERN to Finland could be faster track than NovA to DUSEL. E.g CERN with ND in North Area and FD in Finland, will need new transfer lines and SB to Finland would require 6 GeV beam. Can be considered as a step toward NF. Had a NEU2012 discussion (task 2 or 3 of NEU2012) on increase power for the SPL. Need to organize a discussion to see what will be the future of the CNGS neutrino program and what can be done. SPC discussion outcome is that something is worth doing only if this is clearly competitive. If going away from Frejus site, all work done on it will not well be served. Session on Liquid Argon, first neutrino event in ICARUS (see A. Gugliemi slide 28). Session on other technologies, still some work on solar neutrino + astrophysical properties. Anti-neutrino experiments, Double Chooz is filling in July. Daya Bay later. Reno for December 2010. Monitoring the flux from the reactors is quite difficult. See talk from M-C. Cheng at the beginning of the session. Low-energy cross-sections with still a lot of uncertainties. Also talks from D. Harris and E. Lisi.
Outcome of the UK Oversight committee meeting:
Talks can be found here. Very interesting talks on MICE and commissioning of the experiment. EMMA (NS FFAG 20 MeV electrons) was commissioning right at the time. Japan FFAG rings are Scaling one.
RF R&D experiment proposal:
Sent out a while ago, no comments received so far. Need to define who are the author, what should be the proposal format how to fit in CERN and EUROnu program.
Can add in the MICE MEC excerpt. Need to sit down and agree on the document format and type of presentation (will organize a meeting on that).
Next meeting:
July 19th - no cafe-neutrino meeting. Will be replaced by a EUROnu Costing & Manpower meeting.
August 2nd - TBD