Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (11/11/2010)
Present: C. Hansen, G. Prior, V. Palladino, F. Dufour, E. Benedetto, A. Blondel, E. Wildner, O.M. Hansen, S. Gilardoni
- "Current Status of the T2K Experiment", F. Dufour. PDF
- News and Discussions (round table)
From Fanny Dufour,
See her talk above.
From Elena Benedetto,
Finishing the Production Ring report, for EUROnu.
Been discussing with people from Legnaro about the liquid Lithium target (instead of the super sonic gas yet target).
So far liquid seems better than a gas jet target.
Deuterium cannot be accelerated with the FFAG machine in Osaka.
So maybe we just do cooling with the ions they already have in the beam.
From Elena Wildner,
Collects reports for RAL.
Writing minutes from WP4 meeting (Legnaro).
Writing a proposal for 8B cross section measurements to get beam time in Legnaro.
We still don't know the cost of the 3He bottle in Grenoble.
From Vittorio Palladino,
Writing reports and NEUTRINO2012 talk.
Working on input to KUTCHUCK for the salt molten ring.
Planning the WIN11 workshop.
Trying to fuse the NUFACT2012 school with an italian physics school.
Planning a very important EUCARD meeting in Paris at the week of the 10th of May.
From Christian Hansen,
Trying to produce more simulations for the collective effect studies in the Decay Ring.
For example want to check the results of the intensity limit if we have double as many binches,
each with half length and half intensity, so that intensiy and SF stays the same.
These result are strongly slowed down since the bash system do not let through the HEADTAIL jobs.
From Alain Blondel,
Finishing up the proposal for the Magnet-RF test at CERN, to send to the management.
Bertolucci seems very favourable for the PS neutrino beam.
A. Rubbia is putting the LAGUNA detector proposal. It will mostly be a superbeam proposal.
This could be a Beta Beam opertunity since synergy with Beta Beam and Superbeam might
improve sensitivities.
From Simone,
Bertolucci is counting on the PS upgrade for LHC. And this upgrade does not
take into account any other beam (for example ion beams for the Beta Beam).
Discussions using radioactive ions will have to be done with security people.
From Gersende Prior,
An additional 300kW amplifier will might to be built.
RF experts manpower is also an issue for the RF Magnet test.
Next meeting:
16th December 9am - next cafe-neutrino meeting (room tbc).