Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (13/01/2011)
Present: C. Hansen, O. M. Hansen, F. Dufour, A. Blondel, S. Gilardoni, E. Wildner
- News and Discussions (round table)
From F. Dufour,
Working on the Near Detector of the T2K. Will be a first published result soon.
Data is being taken. Efficiency is getting better. Now we are about
110 KW with 50 % efficiency.
From O. M. Hansen,
Running G4 beam line, studying how the particles track in the Solenoid.
Learning ROOT.
From E. Wildner,
Searching for solution of the collective effect.
Preparing the RAL meeting.
Coordinating a Marie Curie network proposal.
Searching for manpower of the Neon experiment.
The 8B experiment at LNL Legnaro will go ahead.
From C. Hansen,
Started collective effect study of a new design (new lattice) of the Decay Ring that will
cope with Transversal Broad Band Impedance better.
From S. Gilardoni,
Reading the draft of the Intermediate Design Report together with G. Prior.
Not to happy with some fundamental parts missing.
For example the proton driver part where the only complete design existing is the one at CERN.
(Even within the design of the built of Linac4 is included.) But nothing is measured about
this in the report.
Also missing a coherent parameter list, which should exist in a design report.
Missing a comment about the technical difficulty due to the inclination of the storage ring.
From A. Blondel,
Also about the draft for Intermediate Design Report:
There are some new negative findings:
The super conductive magnet that suppose to give 20T will have thermal problems due to
radiation on the mercury target. The 9 years old study had not identified this problem.
We do not know how much voltage we can get out of cavities.
There will divergence in the storage ring. Which will be problematic for a Cherenkov detector.
Some positive findings:
We are close to calculate the performance of the MIND detector. We can measure the curvature of a muon down to 1 GeV.
This means there can be other baselines under considerations for the Neutrino Factory.
So a continium of Baseline Length and Neutrino Energy are now being studied.
When ν goes to e and gamma there is possible with new beam diagnostic since one can measure the photon beam.
The near detector needs 50 radiation lengthes.
Also starting to prepare NUFACT2011.
Next meeting:
27th January 9am - next cafe-neutrino meeting (room tbc).
Minutes by C. Hansen