Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (27/01/2011)
Present: C. Hansen, O. M. Hansen, F. Dufour, G. Prior, S. Gilardoni
- News and Discussions (round table)
From F. Dufour,
Continuing working on the T2K software.
From G. Prior,
The final draft of the Neutrino Factory IDR was given in the EUROnu meeting at RAL.
There was a whole review of the physics section.
The detector has a lot about migration matrices.
Comments will have to be sent before 20th of February.
The question to the Gouverning Board (GB) is if it should be published, maybe as a CERN Yellow Report.
And another question to the GB is if it should be published in a Journal, but the review could delay the publication that may come by the time the RDR will be finished.
From O. M. Hansen,
Questions has been asked to Chris and Juergen about the work plan
for the Solenoid and Target.
A telephone meeting with Bob Weggel (BNL) is planned to make a road map
for the design of the Magnet and Shielding of the Target.
Someone at BNL is working on the Shielding already and studying how much different type of shielding can help.
Ole will probably use G4Beamline for the simulation of the target and magnet area in addition to a specific magnet code.
From C. Hansen,
Did the collective effect studies of the new lattice of the Decay Ring.
This new design relaxed the required transversal shunt impedance from
0.15 to 0.3 MOhm/m.
From S. Gilardoni,
Regarding the low frequency RF system in SPS assumed for the Beta Beam design:
This low frequency RF is also wanted by the LHC upgrade, but Elena S. will soon present
her reason for believing this is impossible. But for the Beta Beam we should
not worry too much, and let the LHC upgrade design first be decided and
after that change the Beta Beam design accordingly.
An email will be sent to ask the general opinion of starting the Cafe Neutrino later.
Would starting 9:30am or 10:00am make more people arrive (in time)?
Next meeting:
10th February 9am (9:30am? 10:00am?) - next cafe-neutrino meeting (room tbc).
Minutes by C. Hansen