Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (07/04/2011)
Present: C. Hansen, O. M. Hansen, G. Prior
- News and Discussions (round table)
From C. Hansen,
First results from the Amplitude Detuning simulations for SPS 6He injection show
a small improvement in intensity limits. However, the relaxation of the threshold
is not as big as required for physics reach.
From O. Hansen,
The results of increasing number particles after the solenoid with decreasing field remains.
This still needs to be understood. There might be a difference in interaction length that the
beam sees due to the bending of the magnetic field. Ole tries to understand this by using
equations of motion and estimating the particles beam length through the target.
Gave his presentation in a Target phone meeting. Some comments on the magnets of his setup
which were unrealistic length. Their comments where it would be interesting to see if this
was possible in a realistic magnet. There were also comments about the bumpiness of the magnetic field in his ST2 setup,
which will be solved by having different loaded the baseline field map.
From G. Prior,
Submitted to BE two IPAC abstracts.
Wrote a proposal to get on of the CERN children. Planning to have him/she enter the parameters into the Neutrino Factory excel spreadsheet (Ajit is working on it) or a Database if we agree to get something like the beta-beam database.
Next meeting:
19th May 10am - next cafe-neutrino meeting (room tbc).
Round table.
Minutes by C. Hansen