Cafe neutrino meeting minutes (01/09/2011)
Present: C. Hansen, O. M. Hansen and T. Mendonca
- News and Discussions (round table)
From C. Hansen,
Showed the change in nominal neutrino flux reach for the Beta Beam
(assuming source rate 1.2e13 and 5e13 for 18Ne and 6He respectively)
depending on new required Supression Factor based on new theta13
indications from T2K.
From T. Mendoca,
It is estimated to achieve 10^13 18Ne but test will be made.
Will make tests with target with temperature.
Will mix two salts, in a metallic cylindrical target,
the release of 18Ne will be measured in a static target.
Gathering material. For example special metal needs to be used due to radioactivity.
From O. M. Hansen,
Simulating the capture after the target in the Neutrino Factory.
Optimizing the magnetic field to capture as much particles (pions, kaons, ...).
Investigating which angle to hit the target (liquid mercury jet) with the
proton beam to optimize the produced ions.
Next meeting:
15th September 10am - next cafe-neutrino meeting (room tbc).
Round table.
Minutes by C. Hansen