SM and SUSY Higgs total widths
Effective Cross Sections

The effective cross section, obtained after convoluting sh with the Gaussian distributions for R=0.01%, R=0.06%, and R=0.1%, is plotted as a function of s1/2 taking mh=110 Gev. |
Higgs Line Shape at Muon Collider

Number of events and statistical errors in the b-bbar final state as a function of s1/2 in the vincinity of mhSM=110 GeV, assuming R=0.01%, and L=0.5 fb-1 at each data point. The precise theoretical prediction is given by the solid line. The dotted (dashed) corve is the theoretical prediction if GtothSM is decreased (increased) by 10%, keeping the G(hSM -> m+m-) and G(hSM -> b-bbar) partial widths fixed at the predicted SM value. |
MSSM Higgs Line Shapes at Muon Collider

Plot of b-bbar final state event rate as a functioon of s1/2 for mAo=350 GeV, in the cases tanb=5 and 10, resulting from the H0, A0 resonances and the b-bbar continuum background. We have taken L=0.01 fb-1 (at any given s1/2), e=0.5, mt=175 GeV, and included two-loop/RGE-improved radiative corrections to Higgs masses, mixing angles and self-couplings using m~t=1 TeV and neglecting squark mixing. SUSY decays are assumed to be absent. Curves are given for two resolution choices: R=0.01% and R=0.06% |