S. Machida, Y. Mori and T. Yokoi, KEK
M. Aiba, B. Autin, W. Chou, E. Forest, Fukumoto, A. Garren, J.Goto, Y. Iwashita, C. Johnstone, S.Kamada, K. Koba, M. Kumada, Y. Kuno, S. Machida, Ph. Meads, F. Mills, Y. Mori, M. Muto, K. Nakayama, D. Neuffer, K.Y. Ng, C. Ohmori, Y. Oku, A. Riche, Y. Sato, A. Schnase, H. Schonauer, Y. Shirakabe, M. Sugaya, N. Tagaki, D. Trbojevic, T. Uesegi, Y. Yamazaki, T. Yokoi, M. Yoshii, M. Yoshimoto, M. Yuasa
MURA studies (F. Mills).
FFAG developments (Ph Meads).
Neutrino Factory at Fermilab (D. Neuffer).
Neutrino Factory at CERN (A. Riche).
Same deflection at all momenta.
Proportional magnet radius and beam radius.
Same betatron tunes at all momenta ⟹ Constant integrated focusing strength K l.
Definition of focusing: K l = l =
Basic relation between field, momentum and curvature radius: p = e B ρ
Substitution ⟹ differential equation for field law: =
Field law: B =
with k =
Focusing strength at r = : K =
Circumference ratio: =
- 1
1. Approximate calculations around the average radius (SAD).
2. Closed orbits determined by numerical intgration in the field map provided by TOSCA.
3. Detailed particle tracking.
Limitations in the choice of k: pole saturation? non-linear dynamics?
Cell Radial sector triplet
Superperiods 8
k 2.5
Energy range 50 -> 500 keV
Field in F-magnet 0.14 -> 0.32 T
Field in D-magnet 0.04 -> 0.13 T
Radius of closed orbits 0.81 -> 1.14 m 2.17 -> 2.22
1.24 -> 1.26
Energy range 50 -> 500 keV 100 -> 1000 keV
Field [T] 0.14 -> 0.35 0.07 -> 0.14 0.2 -> 0.5 0.1 -> 0.2
Maximum Ampere-turns 4260 1900 6020 2690
Maximum current per coil [A] 243 190 344 269
Power per coil [W] 640 240 1280 470
Total power [kW] 10.2 7.6 20.5 15.0
Septum DC voltage [kV] 20 40
Bumper voltage [kV] 10 20
RF frequency [MHz] 0.61 -> 1.251 1.1 -> 1.97
Synchrotron frequency [kHz] 24.06 -> 16.78
RF voltage [kV] 1.3 -> 3 2 -> 6
Peak RF power [kW] 27 110
Beam life-time at 0.5 Torr [μs] 85
(limited by charge transfer process)
Tune measurements on injection orbit: good agreement with calculations in the horizontal plane for F/D ratios in the (3.4, 4.2) range. In the vertical plane the measured tune is systematically higher by ~ 0.05.
Simultaneous acceleration of two bunches:
RF voltage [V] 800
RF frequencies [kHz] 984, 1068
Synchronous phase [] 20
Main coil around F pole.
Trim coil around D pole.
Magnetic shunts at end faces.
Tungsten target. Proton energy: 50 GeV. Momentum range: 250 - 750 MeV/c. Transverse acceptance: 0.01m. Collection efficiency: 0.5 muon per pion.
Yoke free magnet: space for injection and ejection. injection. Full aperture MA kicker: 500 Gauss. Septum: 1000 Gauss.
Variants: 2 kickers + 1 septum; 1 kicker + 2 septa.
Problem: edge focusing at exit from magnet.
Weak focusing combined function magnets (k < 1)
Proton energy (GeV) 15 μ kinetic energy (MeV) 200
μ bunch spacing (ns) 350 1.1
Revolution time (ns) 350/9 h 2
Number of turns 5 (MHz) 51.43
(MV) 3
1.1 Kicker rise or fall time (ns) 20
0.05 Kicker pulses per cycle (1 +
) 7
No phase rotation: immediate acceleration of muons. No cooling (for the time being).
Proton energy [GeV] 50
Proton beam power [MW] 1 -> 4
Longitudinal acceptance at capture [eV.s] 4.7
Transverse acceptance at capture [m]
Muons per proton 0.5
Stored muons per year 3 -> 1.2
Momentum 0.5 -> 1 1 -> 3 3 -> 10 10 -> 20
Superperiods 16 32 32 128
k 15 63 63 200
Average radius [m] 10 30 90 200
Number of turns 16 21 22 11
Field [T] 2.8 3.6 4.2 6.3
Tune h 5.83 13.7 13.3 18.4
v 4.6 4.05 4.24 5.3
Drift length [m] 2.12 3.3 10.05 6.7
Orbit excursion [m] 0.71 0.52 1.55 0.69 4 8 8 14
Common trend: reduce orbit excursions to less than 10 cm for energy multiplication of the order of 4.
Eliminate the constraint of constant focusing on all orbits.
Same deflection on any orbit.
B = (1 -
= -
Energy range [GeV] 16 -> 64
-n 707
Circumference [m] 1356
Number of turns 30
Superperiods 4
Number of cells per superperiod 16
Number of insertions per superperiod 4
Insertion length [m] 29.3
Tunes h 112.81
v 25.9
Orbit excursion [cm] (-3.6, 1.8)
RF field [MV/m] 15
Synchronizing bunches with RF using wigglers
Matching to a "zero" (r < 1 cm) dispersion region with combined function triplets and a pair of bending magnets.
Shape Race-track
Linac length [m] 2*200
Path length in RLA [km] 4
Acceleration per turn [GeV] 2
dE/ds [MeV/m] 2
Number of arcs all in the horizontal plane 2*4
Transverse acceptance [m] 1.1
Central momentum [GeV/c] 4 6 8 10
Momentum spread [%] at 3 σ ±5.1 ±4.2 ±3.8 ±3.5
Beam size [cm] at 3 σ ±5.5 ±4.8 ±4.4 ±4.1
Transmission 0.952
The idea is to remove the transverse acceptance bottleneck that occurs in the RLA.
Cell F, ss, B+D, ss
Magnet design H-type with Nb-Ti S.C. coils
Magnet type F D
Horizontal aperture [cm] ±15 ±10
Vertical aperture [cm] ±4.5 ±6
Pole tip field [T] 4 3.91
Central momentum [GeV/c] 9
RF field [MV/m] 1
Acceleration per cell [MeV] 2 3
Cell length [m] 4.44 5.31
Number of cells 175 209
Number of turns 22.9 12.8
Path length [km] 17.8 14.1
dE/ds [MeV/m] 0.45 0.561
Transmission 0.837 0.862
What does the entire scheme become if the RLA is replaced by the FFAG?
Ultimate reduction in orbit excursion: 5 cm.
Thyratrons replaced by arrays of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT).
Field [T] 0.1
Rise time (ns) 250
Flat top duration [ns] 200
Field flatness [%] 2.5
Voltage [kV] 35
Intensity [A] 750 -> 1000
Impedance [Ω] 25
1. 30 kV/m, 7.5 MHz, 50 % duty cycle wide band proton acceleration.
2. 1 MV/m, 7.5 MHz, burst mode operation.
Lattice. Bypass for a third target. Comparison with triangle.
The cooling material can be distributed over a long distance if the β value can be maintained below 2 m. The windows could be suppressed and helium under 1 or 2 bar pressure be used. The idea could be applied to the first FFAG.
Fastest acceleration.
Useless at high energy.
Aperture limitations.
Very costly.
Application at low energy.
Fast acceleration and good transmission.
Aperture limitations.
Small longitudinal acceptance.
Still too costly.
Comparison with circular machines is open.
For a given energy gain:
Increase the number of turns,
Reduce the RF investment in proportion,
Accept a tolerable transmission loss.
Large 6D acceptance: ~ 1 cm in both transverse planes, several eV.s in longitudinal plane.
Broad approach to lattice design:
Weak focusing (G. Rees, RAL),
Scaling FFAG's (Y. Mori et al. in Japan),
Alternating combined function sector magnets (A. Garren, UCLA),
Low dispersion FODO cells (C. Johnstone and D. Neuffer, FNAL),
Very strong focusing (D. Trbojevic, BNL).
CERN will contribute.
Ongoing developments:
Test machine: POP,
150 MeV scaling FFAG (medical application and, later on, PRISM),
Low frequency and high field RF cavities,
High repetition rate kickers.
Possible compatibility with machines of the proton driver.
Full longitudinal and transverse tracking.
Sufficient transmission.
Magnet and RF cavity design.
Injection and extraction.
Competitive cost.