Beams for European Neutrino Experiments
BENE is a Networking Activity (N3) in the
framework of CARE |
Main Objectives
This working group is part of the BENE NA. It's aim is to spread information about the beta-beam concept, function as an information back-bone for the study of an European beta-beam facility and to make all relevant information on the beta-beam available at the beta-beam web-site.
Beta-beam Meetings
Betabeam meetings are held in connection with the CERN muon weeks held for times a year, the annual CARE week and at special occasions at the participating laboratories. In addition to the regular working group meetings workshops are also organized.
Betabeam Activities
The work is focused on the physics reach of a beta-beam facility, the optimum base-line (distance between the facility and the detector), presentations of the evolving conceptual design of the facility and the preparation of a design study proposal. The physics reach issues are covered in joint meetings with the neutrino physics group and is in addition to oscillation physics also covering physics with a low energy beta-beam for nuclear structure, astrophysics and neutrino magnetic moment measurements. Theoretical studies and experimental machine development work is already in progress at some of the participating laboratories and regular progress reports are given at the beta-beam meetings.
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