NUFACT99 Working Group

NUFACT99 - Lyon, 5-9 May 2000

ECFA/ICFA Workshop on Neutrino Factories Based on Muon Storage Rings - Lyon, 5-9 July 1999

Talks after NUFACT99 workshop

Muon beams provide two flavours of neutrinos (νe and νμ) when they decay. This unique property combined with the precisely known spectra of the neutrinos when the muons circulate in a storage ring opens a new realm to the experiments of neutrino oscillations. In the workshop, physics cases and machine aspects will be treated on equal footing. The working groups and their tasks are outlined in the table.

Working groups Topics
Machine - Experiments Interface

F. Dydak

D. Neuffer


Layout of storage ring. Intensity. Energy range. Beam divergence. Polarization. Neutrino spectra.

μ+-: separate runs or switching? Time structure, muon accumulation mode. Radiation safety. Backgrounds.

Oscillation Detectors

J.J. Gomez Cadenas

D. Harris


SBL (~ 1km), LBL (~103 km), VLBL (~104 km)

Charge identification. τ identification.

Detection backgrounds. L/E vs L vs E.

Oscillation Theory

S. Petcov

C. Quigg

Tasks :

General theory. of neutrino masses: 3, 4, generation parametrization.

Matter effects and scaling laws (linked to L/E).

CP violation

Textures + see-saw.

μ to e + γ conversion.

DIS from neutrino beams.


A. Sessler



Pulsed vs CW machines.

Is ionization cooling necessary? If so, to what extent?

π collection (angular capture: horns vs solenoids vs quadrupoles)

μ collection (energy capture: bunch rotation)

Ionization cooling.

Accumulation schemes.

Particle production

N. Mokhov

H. Ravn


Particle production codes and data.

Target technology (metallic jet,...)

Target area (proton dump, shielding,...)

Beam dynamics & Lattices

H. Haseroth

K. Takayama


Proton driver: High intensity linac, proton synchrotron, proton accumulator. Energy. Time structure. RF cavities and magnets. Halo formation.

Loss monitoring. H- injection.

Muon acceleration: Bunching. Pre-acceleration. Re-circulator (Neck-tie vs racetrack, beam-beam, ...).

Muon storage: Low divergence. Accumulation techniques (azimuthal, momentum, ...).

G. Prior - Last modified on May 12th, 2011